Magazines & online articles

  • Stuffed Aubergines for March's BBC History Column!

    For Lent, I serve up Renaissance era stuffed aubergines in March’s column.

  • Viking Mussels

    I offer a Viking-era recipe for mussel stew from York!

  • Medieval Cheesecake - BBC History Magazine January 25

    I try a surprisingly delicious medieval cheesecake recipe!

  • Christmas Pudding - BBC History Magazine!

    The Christmas issue contains my classic Victorian Xmas Pud!

  • Tudor 'Snow'! December's BBC History Magazine

    December’s historical column is Tudor ‘snow’ - ironically served originally in the summer months for a kind of culinary joke!

  • A 2,000-Year Old Recipe in BBC Bitesize! 2/10/24

    I explore a 2,000-year old recipe for lentil stew and its amazing history for BBC Bitesize

  • 18th-century marzipan hedgehog - November's BBC History Magazine

    This month’s column recreates an 18th-century marzipan hedgehog - along with the bizarre history of hedgehog-eating!

  • Recipe in the New York Times! 2/10/24

    My recipe for Potato Pete's Potato Scones, and a wider chat about WW2 food, thrift, and my book Leftovers with Ligaya Mishan is in the NYT!

  • October's BBC History Magazine Recipe: Pumpion Pie!

    It's pumpkin season, so here's the history of pumpkin pie, Halloween and Thanksgiving pumpkins!

  • September's BBC History recipe out nowl

    Try Parthian Chicken, a recipe from the oldest cookery books from antiquity, Apicius!

  • August's BBC History Magazine column

    With politics on the mind, I try out a Westminster Fool!

  • July's BBC History Magazine Column 'Victorian Cucumber Ice Cream'

    I try the refreshing flavour of cucumber ice cream and introduce you to Agnes Marshall, Victorian celebrity chef and ‘Queen of Ices’!

  • June's BBC History Magazine 'SOWANS'

    A native and overlooked Scottish ferment!

  • May's BBC History Magazine published!

    Tudor Jumbles! These simple, delicious, and elegant biscuits are the feature of my History Cookbook column in this month’s BBC History Magazine. And, as always, the recipe video will be up soon for History Extra members too

  • Article in the Conversation 'How the Tudors Dealt With Food Waste'

    How did the Tudors understand food waste? And what did they do with their leftovers? As a sneak peek into Leftovers: A History of Food Waste and Preservation, I explore these questions for the Conversation!

  • A special 'Sustainable Historical THree-Course Feast' IN BBC History Magazine April 24

    To celebrate the release of Leftovers: A History of Food Waste and Preservation, BBC History mag published a special 3-course meal using recipes from my book. I cook-up ‘Budget Broccoli’ from the 2007 World Food Price Crisis, ‘Victorian Beef Fritters’ to use up leftover roast beef, and ‘WW2 Crumb Fudge’ to make use of stale bread crumbs.

  • Leftovers: Bristol's Role in Food Waste History' published on Bristol's Good Food website March 24

    I explore how Bristol features in my new book Leftovers: A History of Food Waste and Preservation, and ask ‘In our quest to create a more sustainable food system, can we learn from the wasteful mistakes and thrifty triumphs of the past?’


    In this month’s edition, I try the much tastier (IMHO) 18th-century mushroom version of ketchup and explore the sauce’s fascinating origins!


    Find the recipe for Potato Pete’s Potato Piglets in this month’s BBC History Magazine column along with a bonus WW2 potato soup recipe to make sure there is no food waste! 🥔

    I also wrote the food history quiz for their 300th issue quiz! 🥝

  • two articles in BBC History Magazine January 24

    two articles in BBC History Magazine January 24

    I have two articles in the January issue of BBC History Magazine: ‘What’s is the World’s Oldest Surviving Recipe?’ and a recipe article on ‘Sugar-free Tudor biscuits’ from Sir Hugh Platt’s recipe book of the 1590s!

  • 'Five historical facts you didn't know about Christmas food' Evening Standard 15/12/23

    Learn 5 fun facts about the history of Christmas food! Published in print and online.

  • 'A Christmas Feast' BBC History Magazine December 23

    In this extended article, I share three historical recipes from different eras in Britain’s past - a Stuart mince pie, a Georgian twelfth cake, and a Victorian smoking bishop - along with their fascinating origins!

  • 'Holy or Heretical? a history of hot cross buns ', ENGLISH HERITAGE 8/23

    Commissioned to tell the fascinating history of hot cross buns for English Heritage. Were they invented by a 14th-century monk named Thomas Rocliffe or do they have ancient pagan origins? By the 19th century hot cross buns were viewed as a superstitious remnant of Catholicism in Britain. Some believed they had magical properties but to others they were idolatrous!

  • 'New Work Forum: On Food and Religion in Cevasco's Violent Appetites' recipes project 7/22

    I review Carla Cevasco’s book, Violent Appetites , for The Recipes Project, focusing in particular on what it tells us about the links between food and religion in early America.

  • 'Fast Food: Eating and Youth Culture in Britain, 1970 - 2000'

    Based on new oral histories and image archives, this piece explores the role of fast food in the lives of young people in the late 20th century. My research was funded by the Museum of Youth Culture/IHR.