Featured on Simon Mujumdar's Eat My Globe Podcast 2/12/24!
We discuss the history of food waste from the sixteenth century all the way to the present day; the influence of women who developed food preservation, through the art of refrigeration; the role of pigs, wars, and pandemics in food waste; and so much more.
New podcast episode - Eat This Podcast! 13/5/24
‘Leftovers: a history of food waste and preservation takes a much broader look at food scarcity, food surpluses and the byproducts of food production that people don’t or won’t eat. Our conversation reflected on the complex relationships among food waste, human behaviour, and systemic factors throughout history, advocating for a renewed appreciation of the value of food.’
The British Food History Podcast 22/4/24
‘We talked about many things including the history of food waste used in agriculture and industry, food preservation in wartime, and Hannah Glasse’s dubious method for preserving very rank potted birds’
BBC History Extra Podcast - Leftovers: how our ancestors battled food waste 25/3/24
Listen to me talking all things Leftovers - from the Tudor almoner to the Victorian rag-and-bone man!
Delicious Legacy Podcast 13/3/24
Some of the best bits from my new book Leftovers: A History of Food Waste and Preservation!
A fun episode on the history of food, sex and shame!
Talking Tudors podcast 2/22
Learn all about the history of food and religion in the English Reformation in this Talking Tudors episode!
Special guest on They Draw and Cook's Illustrator's Circle 15/12/21
Special guest lecturer on the Illustrator’s Circle, where participants are inspired to draw based on the lecturer’s talk. I explore the symbolism in Dutch Golden Age still lifes.